Howdy all! Its has been a long time since anything has been posted. Like many things in these times we find ourselves in life seems to be on hold. We are awaiting the time when we can come out from hibernation and jump into Spring! While that may be so for humans trying to keep themselves safe, our seed garlic bulbs are happily growing as they soak up the beautiful sunny weather we are currently enjoying. Here is a picture of our red russian seed garlic on the left and chesnok seed garlic on the right.

Not long ago differences between the two varieties of seed garlic was more pronounced with the larger leaves of the red russian seed garlic growing "up", while the leaves of the chesnok seed garlic grew "out and up". This spate of beautiful sunny weather seems to have caused the look of the two different varieties to converge. Hopefully, as we all move into further into spring and then summer we can look forward to more freedom, more health, and really great big and beautiful seed garlic bulbs! In the mean time stay safe, stay calm, and be kind to one another.